APMP-NCA July Webinar: Black Hat Reviews -
The Most Critical Shade in the Color Team Rainbow
Cognitive Agility, LLC founder Melynda Benlemlih will be a featured webinar panelist for the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) to discuss tips for more effective Black Hat proposal workshops.
Melynda will be joined by FedSavvy Strategies' founder Brian Lindholm to answer your questions about Black Hat reviews. This is NOT the same old power point slide show. Panel moderator, Robert Katz, will facilitate discussion to demystify this topic to help BD, capture, and proposal professionals effectively prepare for and conduct this critical, but often poorly executed, proposal step.
This highly interactive, discussion-driven format allows you to engage the experts immediately, dynamically, and directly. Discussion topics include:
- Socratic versus Team-Based War Gaming Methods – two starkly different approaches
- Participants and Their Roles – selecting the right people to be in the right role
- Planning and Pre-Work – why it is critical to success
- Stakeholder Mapping - assessing the customer, teaming partner, and competition mix, and how to influence each
- Pre-Mortem – brainstorm solutions... before it’s too late!
- Action Planning - facilitates action item ownership and commitment to get the proposal to the next level
The panel will present facilitated activities to implement any time in the proposal lifecycle process, helping your team avoid complacency, identify and influence stakeholders, ghost the competition, identify win theme strengths and weaknesses and mitigate obstacles on the winning path.
Feel free to read the FedSavvy Strategies blog on Black Hat reviews to learn more.
Do you want to know more? Register here for this free event open to members and non-members. Don't keep wondering about Black Hat reviews.